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True to the Kellogg School’s academic culture, the Certificate Program offers courses that foster collaboration and focus on the business application of analytical tools and models learned in the classroom.

Both the Financial Economics Certificate and Managerial Analytics Certificate offer a four-course sequence which can be completed in one or two years, depending on when you enter the program. These advanced-level classes are taught by faculty members of the Kellogg School.

While you may only earn one certificate, those who have completed their certificate may enroll in courses in the other certificate, space permitting.

Certificate Completion Requirements

All students must enter the program in the spring quarter. Once enrolled, you must fulfill the following requirements to earn the Financial Economics Certificate or Managerial Analytics Certificate:

  1. Graduate from Northwestern University. To earn the certificate, you must complete all graduation requirements for Northwestern University.
  2. Complete all four courses in the certificate. Please note that both certificates require you to start the program in the spring before enrolling in other courses. The first class for all students will be KELLG_FE 310-0: Principles of Finance. Students pursuing the Financial Economics Certificate must take KELLG_FE 310-0, Section 20. Students pursuing the Managerial Analytics Certificate must take KELLG_FE 310-0, Section 21. We recommend you start the program during the spring of your sophomore year. This provides the greatest amount of flexibility for scheduling both Certificate Program and other required courses.
  3. Complete corequisite courses. You will be asked for how you plan to complete all of the corequisite courses. If you are taking any prerequisites during fall quarter, your admission to CPU will be contingent on completing those classes. Applicants are encouraged to work towards completing corequisite courses prior to beginning the program, and all corequisites must be completed within one year of entering the program. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the Academic Director.

Taking courses in other certificates

You must choose between pursuing the Financial Economics Certificate or Managerial Analytics Certificate; you cannot earn both certificates. However, if you have completed all four courses in the chosen certificate and maintained a “B” average or better, you may take classes in the other certificate, space permitting.

Satisfying requirements in academic major

In general, courses taken through the Certificate Program for Undergraduates can be used as unrestricted elective courses. You should contact your academic advisor and appropriate departments to determine how these courses may or may not be used as electives.

Compare certificates

Wondering which certificate is right for you? This comparison chart can help you determine which certificate aligns with your academic strengths, personal interests and career goals.

Financial Economics Certificate
Managerial Analytics Certificate
For students with academic strengths in…
  • Mathematics
  • Microeconomics
  • Econometrics and statistics
  • Data analysis
  • Mathematics
  • Microeconomics
  • Statistics
  • Data analysis
For students pursuing careers in…
  • Financial services
  • Corporate finance and venture capital
  • Capital markets and asset management
  • Securities pricing and trading
  • Consulting
  • Business analytics
  • Business planning
  • Strategy formulation
  • Consulting
  • New product design
Alternately, for students pursuing graduate programs in…
  • Law
  • Business
  • Finance
  • Other academic areas
  • Law
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Other academic areas
For students who want to learn how to…
  • Perform cash-flow analysis
  • Build financial models
  • Develop financing and capital structure choices
  • Analyze investment opportunities
  • Generate risk-management strategies
  • Research cash flow forecasts
  • Develop valuation estimates for industries and firms
  • Prepare presentations and analyses for clients
  • Analyze business decisions on spreadsheets
  • Prepare analyses to support M&A decisions
  • Analyze and optimize supply chain networks
  • Examine how industry structure impacts a firm's strategic options
  • Assess current trends in business practices, products and industry competition
  • Use spreadsheets and statistical software packages to analyze sales and operational data, spot trends and develop forecasts
  • Prepare presentations and analyses for clients
To summarize…
This certificate develops students' specialization in corporate finance, capital markets and securities pricing. Faculty are drawn from the Kellogg Finance and Accounting departments.
This certificate teaches the business analytical models that guide strategic and tactical business decision-making. Faculty are drawn from three Kellogg academic departments: Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences, Marketing, and Finance.

Contact us about the Certificate Program for undergraduate students

Certificate Program for Undergraduates
Kellogg School of Management
Amanda Stasinski
Program Director, Certificate Program for Undergraduates
Kellogg School of Management
[email protected]
Kellogg School of Management
555 Clark Street, Lower Level
Evanston, IL 60208-2800