Certificate in the Business of Healthcare
The Certificate in the Business of Healthcare allows students to receive foundational exposure to the entire healthcare ecosystem while tailoring their courses to their desired future career goal within the sector.
In order to qualify for the certificate, students must take at least 4 healthcare specific credits according to the distribution described below. At least 3 of these credits must be in excess of the minimum degree requirements for a student’s MBA. This requirement would have the following implications across the program:
- Traditional E&W: You are required to complete a total of 4 healthcare-specific credits, which contribute to a minimum of 23.5 total Kellogg credits over the course of your MBA.
- Accelerated Option: You must complete 3 additional credits to your minimum Kellogg credit requirement as listed on your CAESAR Degree Progress Report.
- Note: Any current E&W student, regardless of their start date, may officially declare and pursue the certificate starting the Fall quarter. However, this option may not be financially possible for students who rely on financial aid to cover their tuition, especially if they are about to complete their minimum degree requirements. Any E&W student on financial aid (including private loans) must meet with a financial aid counselor to determine impact on financial aid eligibility.
Financial Aid eligibility
- E&W students must proactively verify their financial aid eligibility for the completion of the certificate with their respective financial aid office ([email protected]). The certificate must be officially declared before its completion and the completion of the minimum required degree requirements for financial aid eligibility.
Required curriculum
All students must take:
STRT-443-0 Healthcare Strategy (either in the 10-week or “Deep Dive” format)
Students must take at least three credits from the following list:
STRT-444-0 Healthcare Economics
HCAK-470-0 Biomedical Marketing
HCAK-931-0 Pharmaceutical Strategy
HCAK-960-5 Value Creation and Capture in Biopharmaceuticals
HCAK-970-5 Digital Health
HCAK-975-5 Digital Health for the Entrepreneur
HCAK-985-5 Growing & Sustaining Success in Biopharmaceutical Firms
STRT-441-0 Intellectual Capital Management
HCAK-941-5 Using Analytics to Create and Capture Value in Healthcare
HCAK-951-5 Managing Health Care Services in a Value Based Setting
HCAK-935-5 Strategy and Execution for a Successful Healthcare Delivery System
HCAK-980-5 Value Creation & Capture in an Evolving Healthcare Market
HCAK-973-5 Create & Capture Value in the Chinese Healthcare Market
INTL-473-0 Global Initiatives in Management (GIM) (Innovations & Developments in Healthcare Financial Services with Andrew Sykes, Winter 2025)
HCAK-611-0 Medical Technology Financing and Commercialization
SSIM-673-5 Medical Technologies in Global Public Health
STRT-947-0 Healthcare Strategy Consulting Lab
HCAK-616-0 NUVention Medical Innovation
HCAK-937-0 Entrepreneurship Innovation Lab
HCAK-957-5 Health Systems Management: A Practicum Course with Northwestern Medicine
HCAK-627-0 Forging and Funding Health Care Startups
HCAK-973-5 Create & Capture Value in the Chinese Healthcare Market
*With the approval of the Director of HCAK, students may complete one credit through an independent study.