Final Exams
Academic Experience offers self-scheduled in-person final exams to help students design an individualized exam preparation plan and balance all of the end-of-the-quarter Kellogg obligations. Many exams are offered at multiple times throughout the exam period; students select their preferred exam date and time in the Bidding and Registration System during the registration period below.
Self-scheduled exams include:
- Evanston campus Kellogg courses
- Dates and times all during the exam period noted on the Academic Calendar for "Full Time Exams"
Self-scheduled exams do NOT include:
- Exam administration outside the posted schedule
- Non-Kellogg course exams (such as MMM DSGN courses or undergraduate courses)
- Kellogg Chicago campus course exams (check your syllabus for exam details)
- Presentations
- Take-home exams
It is your responsibility to confirm the dates for these deliverables, and to make sure they do not conflict with anything you schedule through our final exam registration system.
To View Available Exam Dates
Before the start of bidding for the quarter, exam dates will be listed for each course in the Bidding and Registration System.
Most exams administered by Academic Experience are offered multiple times during the final exam period. NOTE: Some classes are offered in limited time slots at the professor/department request and may not be indicated prior to bidding.
Important! By default, all final exam times are scheduled in 3-hr blocks. The start time is fixed and will not change; however, the actual exam end time may vary depending on the course and will be reflected in your registration.
Important Self-Service Final Exam Policies
You will not be able to access the system until registration opens, and once exam registration closes no changes can be made, absent a documented, unforeseeable, and exceptional personal circumstance or medical emergency. Key dates for the upcoming quarter are:
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
Spring 2025
Wednesday, April 23 at 12pm
Monday, May 26 at 10am
In addition:
- Once the system opens, students are awarded preferred exam times on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- You can change your exam times, pending space, as many times as you want during the registration period.
- After exam registration closes, during week 10, we will email you exam room locations.
- Students with testing accommodations should not register for exams in the Bidding and Registration System. Academic Experience will send a separate exam registration link via email.
To Register For/Change Your Final Exam Time(s)
- Log into the Bidding and Registration System AFTER registration opens.
- For each of your classes with an in-person final exam, there will be a drop down menu of time slot choices.
- Select your preferred date and time from the drop-down menu for each exam and click Save. Repeat for any additional exams.
To make changes during the exam registration period, repeat Steps 1-3.
To View your Exam Schedule
- Log into the Bidding and Registration System with your Kellogg NetID and password.
- If you see a date and time in the drop-down menu, it is confirmed and no further action is necessary.
Questions? Email Academic Experience