Partner with us
Partner with us
Kellogg maximizes its social impact by teaming up with companies and organizations from a broad range of industries and sectors. Companies and groups interested in partnering with Kellogg, seeking project support or recruiting students or alumni to board or career roles, have a number of ways to get involved. Explore these opportunities, and visit Kellogg Corporate Engagement to learn more.
Sponsor or provide a project for a course
Many Kellogg courses and labs require student teams to apply their management skills to help a business or nonprofit with a specific need. Interested in partnering with Kellogg on a student project? Please complete this form.
Host a Board Fellow
Through the Golub Capital Board Fellows Program, Kellogg students are matched with nonprofit boards to serve as non-voting members. These board fellows are responsible for actively contributing to the boards’ work in a mutually agreed upon way. Nonprofit organizations are asked to apply to host a Board Fellow.
Recruit students and alumni
Career Roles: The Career Management Center (CMC) works closely with companies to recruit talent from across the Kellogg network of students and alumni. Employers are welcome to post jobs through the Kellogg Job Board or participate in on-campus recruiting. The CMC’s Industry Relationship Managers can offer further guidance to interested companies and organizations.
Internships: For companies and organizations interested in hosting a student intern over the summer, Kellogg’s Career Management Center (CMC) can help recruit Kellogg student talent. Reach out to one of our Industry Relationship Managers or post to our Job Board. Kellogg provides some matching funds to make it easier for nonprofits and impact organizations to hire summer interns.
Engage with student clubs
Students are leaders at Kellogg, and clubs are an important part of student life and experience. Companies can get involved with clubs in a number of ways, including:
- Lunch & Learns: Visit Kellogg to discuss significant business issues or cases with students in a classroom. (Note: These events do not focus on recruiting. Companies may discuss employment opportunities for up to five minutes at the end of the event.)
- Conferences and Events: Sponsor an event, speak at an event or simply attend an event.
- Club Newsletters: Connect with a targeted audience through regular student communications.
- Career Panels: Serve on an industry- or function-specific panel to discuss careers.
Learn more about clubs or contact club leaders directly.
Participate in Executive Education
Through Kellogg’s Center for Nonprofit Management, companies can enroll in Executive Education courses that are focused on social impact issues. They may also partner with Kellogg to develop a custom program.
Get creative
For companies and organizations interested in a deeper partnership, event or student sponsorship opportunity, or other creative partnership, social impact leadership at Kellogg is eager explore new opportunities. Get in touch by emailing [email protected].